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Friday, August 14, 2015

{Lollapalooza: Day 1 Looks}

STOP FREAKING OUT! We have not abandoned our lovely little blog, we just took a short hiatus because some times real life throws a lot at us. But we're back, with a few posts so expect those over the next couple of days.

3/4 of our squad are seasoned Lolla-goers, that being said, we have a pretty thorough understanding of fashion v. comfort. While it is important to avoid both heat stroke and severe blisters while attending the festival, having amazing street-style is a must.

We are going to take this day by day because, to be honest, we took an unhealthy number of photos.

Hanna took a neutral basic and dressed it up with a delicate lace bralette and minimal knee-high gladiator sandals. A suede fringe vest, chain belt and a reflective aviators complete her day one look.

Phoebe mixed to classic material—lace and corduroy— for her first look. A delicate charm necklace and an angelic crown braid put the finishing touches on her look. PRO TIP: Birkenstocks all day, every day.

Hally took inspiration from one of this year's biggest trends, the two-piece coordinate set. A black crochet bralette and matching shorts are accessorized with (extremely hard to remove) flash tattoos and round sunnies— again, notice the Birks.

Bailey paired a distressed halter top with lace trim shorts for an edgier festival look. Layered necklaces and feminine sandals were finishing touches.

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